Jason Hyde: Something to Say
Mar 27, 2023 3:49:48 GMT -5
Post by Dragonkin on Mar 27, 2023 3:49:48 GMT -5
UBL promo room. Jason Hyde stands before us, looking like he just came from a training session. He looks past us to the camera man, giving a brief nod in response to an unseen signal and addresses us.
So, I’ve been asked to give my thoughts on recent events.
He shakes his head, a faint smile passing over his features for just a moment.
Okay, let me rephrase that - I’ve had more requests over the last two months than in the previous five years combined. And I didn’t mind the silence - I’ll admit I’ve kept my head down for a while here in UBL, making my statements between the ropes and not with a mic in my face.
But the questions have just kept coming, so I guess I’ve got to speak up.
Unsurprisingly, most of the questions have been about my opponent for Continuum VI and what she did to me during my last match. Everyone’s trying to needle me for any comments, any words I have for Alicia Gordon, or even for Thunder Strike.
He takes a slow, measured breath.
Today I’m just here with a few words for the other person in that ring, Kurt Sanders. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you probably feel pretty good about yourself, Kurt. You jumped ahead with nine points halfway through the block, without having to wrestle an honest match for any of it.
But do you know what that means? Not one of us in this block are out of the running yet, and you no longer have the luxury of people forgetting what kind of spineless weasel you are. You have just painted a target on your back, and now the blue shell of Justice is closing in. Every move you make for the rest of Continuum? You have the eyes of the league on you, you’ve made a lot of enemies, and I’ll be watching how you weather the storm.
So, I’ve been asked to give my thoughts on recent events.
He shakes his head, a faint smile passing over his features for just a moment.
Okay, let me rephrase that - I’ve had more requests over the last two months than in the previous five years combined. And I didn’t mind the silence - I’ll admit I’ve kept my head down for a while here in UBL, making my statements between the ropes and not with a mic in my face.
But the questions have just kept coming, so I guess I’ve got to speak up.
Unsurprisingly, most of the questions have been about my opponent for Continuum VI and what she did to me during my last match. Everyone’s trying to needle me for any comments, any words I have for Alicia Gordon, or even for Thunder Strike.
He takes a slow, measured breath.
Today I’m just here with a few words for the other person in that ring, Kurt Sanders. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you probably feel pretty good about yourself, Kurt. You jumped ahead with nine points halfway through the block, without having to wrestle an honest match for any of it.
But do you know what that means? Not one of us in this block are out of the running yet, and you no longer have the luxury of people forgetting what kind of spineless weasel you are. You have just painted a target on your back, and now the blue shell of Justice is closing in. Every move you make for the rest of Continuum? You have the eyes of the league on you, you’ve made a lot of enemies, and I’ll be watching how you weather the storm.